Would you get a blowjob from charmander or a handjob from a geodude LOL! Kevjumba says depends what level they are i mean charmander at level 16 with his fireblasts... s sausages anyone? and a geodude level 23 rock smash boy thats gonna hurt. but if they were level 1 i'd choose a blowjob from charmander cuz he seems nicer more affectionate while geodude would be like *rips off ur dick* haha! Example
What would u choose?
Rules:Just answer the Would you question above you and leave another would you question for the person under you and why
Answer: I'd choose a geodude's handjob because charmander has some hella sharp teeth
Question: Would you Eat shit for a week or your family die?
What would u choose?
Rules:Just answer the Would you question above you and leave another would you question for the person under you and why
Answer: I'd choose a geodude's handjob because charmander has some hella sharp teeth
Question: Would you Eat shit for a week or your family die?